Sunday, October 9, 2016

Phentermine Diet Pills and Non-Prescription Alternatives

You may have heard about phentermine diet pills and be thinking about buying them to help with your weight loss.  Before you do, it’s important to find out more about them, their pros and cons and make sure that you’re making the right decision for your health and weight loss.
Let’s take a closer look at what the history of Phentermine is so that you can get a good idea what this product is all about.

Introduction to Phentermine

Phentermine 37.5mg first came onto the market in 1959 when it received official FDA approval and was marketed as an appetite suppressing product. 
This product works by stimulating the nervous system and causing the hypothalamus to produce neurotransmitters that typically signal to the body that it feels full, so then you don’t feel as strong of an urge to eat food. 
Since hunger is often the driving force behind what gets people consuming more calories than they need and falling off their diets, if you are successfully able to stop this force, maintaining your diet should no longer be a problem. 
Phentermine works well then for those who eat due to hunger, but not for emotional reasons. If you often find yourself eating even though you aren’t hungry, this product may not assist you due to the food habits that you have built into place. 
In addition to helping reduce hunger, some people will also find that this product can increase their energy levels as well, so that is an added benefit to know about. 

Only Available by Prescription

Phentermine became very popular with dieters due to its success at helping people lose weight.  However due to side effects it has since been removed from the market and is now only available by prescription.  
For your doctor to prescribe it you need to have a BMI over 30 (classified as obese), have already made lifestyle changes but have been struggling to lose weight with diet and exercise alone.
Phentermine can be purchased online.  You can buy phentermine or phentermine brands from many online pharmacies.  However in many countries it is illegal to purchase phentermine without a prescription.  

Phen375 Phentermine Alternative – Available without Prescription

Once phentermine became prescription only there was still huge demand for the product because of its weight loss effects – but most people could no longer get the drug to help them lose weight.
Phen375 was created after careful research into the weight loss effects of phentermine.  It has become a popular diet supplement providing many people weight loss without the side effects of phentermine and without need to visit a doctor or get a prescription.
Phen375 helps to:
  • Suppress appetite helping you to eat less and beat your cravings
  • Stimulate your metabolism and help you burn fat
  • Increase your energy levels
It’s created in FDA registered facilities so you can be sure you are receiving a high quality product, and is backed by a money back guarantee.  Many people have successfully used it to help them lose weight – it’s suitable for both men and women and is available online without a prescription.  

6 Common Weight Loss Problems

There are at least 6 common problems that all dieters will face when trying to lose weight.  As you read this, no doubt you’ll recognise many of them as problems you’ve experienced before:

1. Feeling Hungry
Fighting the food cravings can be the most challenging obstacle of dieting.
The mistake many dieters make is that in an effort to reduce their daily calorie intake, they skip meals. It is particularly important not to skip breakfast when trying to lose weight as eating breakfast helps to kick-start the metabolism. By depriving yourself of the main meals it will leave you feeling hungry, therefore when you do eat, you will have larger portions and this means consuming even more calories than you would had you not skipped that meal.

2. Craving Certain Foods
We typically crave sweet foods out of boredom, stress and hunger. If you have a sweet tooth and crave all the things you shouldn’t eat, i.e. chocolate, crisps and sweets on a daily basis it can be a hard pattern to break.

The amount of calories found in these kinds of foods would require many hours of daily exercise to counteract so it is extremely unrealistic to assume you can consume a large amount of calories every day and successfully burn them all off.

3. Eating Out With Friends And Family
When we eat out in restaurants with our friends and family it is a very social occasion and a time to indulge ourselves, we rarely want to go for the healthiest option on the menu. You may eat out quite frequently if you are always on the go or if you just don’t enjoy cooking which makes sticking to a diet a lot more difficult.

4. Lack Of Energy
When we diet we often experience a period of lethargy, particularly during the afternoon where perhaps we haven’t eaten much during the morning, this can make us feel drained and tired and then we are much more likely to reach for the biscuit tin for an energy boost instead of opting for a healthier snack.

5. Hard To Fit In Exercise
Work hours are getting longer and if you have a family and other responsibilities, this leaves you with very little time to fit exercise into your weight loss regime.  Especially if you have a very stressful job and work long hours, the last thing many of us would want to do after a hard day is head to the gym.

6. Diet Plateaus
A diet plateau is when after following a low or reduced calorie diet for a few weeks you suddenly find that you stop losing weight and no matter what you do your weight stays the same. Diet plateaus can occur because you’ve reduced your calorie intake too much and the body literally thinks it is ‘starving’ so slows down the metabolism to conserve the fat or you are eating as many calories as you are burning off so you aren’t losing any more weight.

But what can you do about these problems?!
There is a solution to these common diet problems.  An effective weight loss pill can help you to break bad habits, jump start your metabolism and help you achieve the weight loss you want.

Diet Pills – Important Information to Know

If you’re looking to lose weight, you might find yourself browsing the selection of diet pills that are available on the market.

There’s no denying the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands of different diet pills out there, each with their own claim to fame.

How can you know which diet pills will work the best? And, how do you know which diet pills you should be staying far away from?

It can get tricky to learn which are going to lead to results and which will just burn a whole in your wallet, so it’s vital that you think about the diet pills carefully.

Let’s go over some of the important points to know about diet pills.

What Diet Pills Do
First let’s discuss what diet pills do. Diet pills are supplements that are put out on the market that are designed to make the entire process of fat loss that much easier. They cater to different goal sets depending on the pill in question.
Some diet pills are designed to help you combat hunger while others are designed to help you increase your energy level higher all throughout the day.

Still others may be targeted towards assisting you boost your metabolic rate so that you can burn fat faster all day long.  Some diet pills are also combination pills that will attempt to do all of these at once.

The nice thing about all the different diet pills on the market is that you can essentially pick and choose which problems you’re experiencing with your diet and then find a diet pill to accommodate.

One thing that you must know is that diet pills aren’t going to cause weight loss to automatically occur however. Far too many people think that this is the case and then find themselves disappointed when they just aren’t seeing the results that they thought they would.

Diet pills will assist with making it easier to follow your diet and workout plan, but they won’t burn fat entirely on their own.  It’s important that you keep this in mind at all times so that you have realistic expectations of what the diet pills will do for you.

Using Diet Pills Properly
After you’ve done some thorough research and have picked out a diet pill that you’d like to use, the next step is making sure that you are using the diet pills correctly.

  • For best results, you’ll want to take the lowest dosage on the dill pills package recommendations to start. 

This way you can assess your tolerance to the diet pills and increase the dosage from there if all is looking good.  Some people will experience side effects while using diet pills, so you need to test your tolerance first. Take too much and you may find out the hard way that that diet pill is not for you.

  • You should also, in most cases, avoid using diet pills too close to bed time. 

Most diet pills will cause you to experience central nervous system stimulation, which is what makes you gain energy when using them.  Taking them right before bed though will just make it that much harder to fall asleep. For this reason, keep your diet pill consumption no later than five pm in the evening. Otherwise, you may not sleep well that night.

  • Make sure to read the specific package instructions for the one that you’re thinking of taking.

Some diet pills should be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach while others are designed to be taken with food.

  • Make sure that you drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Many diet pills will make you feel thirstier plus drinking water is good for flushing any toxins from your body.

  • Some diet pills will come with recommended diet plans or exercise suggestions.  

There are there to help you break existing bad habits and help you begin a healthier lifestyle to ensure long term weight loss.  Usually these will allow you to eat 3 or more small meals plus snacks and water.  Don’t skip meals or snacks- you need them to keep your metabolism going and to prevent you feeling hungry.

Want to know more?  Check out these useful articles on our site

Dieting Over 50: Is There A Difference?

If you’re someone who’s beyond the age of 50 who is looking to lose some body fat, you might start to wonder if there should be a difference in the approach you use versus the approach of someone who is younger.
After all, your body is different now than when you were in your twenties, so it only stands to reason that you may need to use a different type of diet.
So what differences should someone over 50 take note of? What alternations will best help you see success?
Let’s go over the main things that you should know so that you can get right on track to progress.
Alterations To Your Calorie Intake
The very first thing that you will likely want to do is use a slightly lower calorie intake at this point in your life.  Now, there is the common saying that the metabolism naturally slows with age.  While this is true, it’s not for the reason many people believe.
The primary reason why your metabolism will decrease as you get older is because you’re losing lean muscle tissue.  If you’re someone who has been active for the last 20 years, then you likely don’t need to use a reduced calorie intake as you will have more lean muscle tissue.
If you haven’t been exercising though, then a slightly lower calorie diet is in order.  Try starting at around 10 or 11 calories per pound of body weight.
At this point in your life you may not be quite as physically active overall either as you were when you were younger, so that will also factor into your total daily calorie burn.
Accounting For Nutritional Deficiencies
Another adjustment that you should make is accounting for nutritional deficiencies.  Those who are older will want to really make sure that they are taking in enough calcium, iron, and B vitamins.
This will help ensure that they maintain strong bones and high energy levels.  In addition to that, make sure that you’re taking in a very high quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables daily on whatever diet you choose as these will help to protect against some of the common diseases that can develop as the years go on.
Adding Extra Protein
Finally, the last thing that you should adjust on your diet protocol is your protein intake.  Many older individuals are not getting enough protein total, so it’s important that you bump up your intake.
Additionally, since you aren’t quite as active as you were when you were younger, having more protein in the diet will help to further safeguard against lean muscle tissue loss, so will help to keep your metabolism higher long term.
Remember to add plenty of low fat dairy sources of protein in particular such as Greek yogurt, skim milk, and low-fat cottage cheese as these are both high in protein and high in calcium, so will really help you along your way.

So there you have everything that you need to know about dieting past 50.  While the general approach should still be quite similar, making these few additional changes would be well worth your while. 

Detoxing 101: How To Detox Safely

One type of diet program set-up that many people are starting to think about and look into more often these days is a detox diet.  The idea behind detox diets is that you’ll remove all the toxic waste that’s impacting your body, creating a leaner and firmer figure in the process.
In addition to that, you’ll also improve your health and help ensure that you are able to burn fat optimally throughout the day.
This all sounds very appealing to most people and is what they’re primary after with their goals, so it seems pretty clear that a detox plan is a smart way to go.
But is it?
The fact of the matter is that when they aren’t done correctly, detox diets are not going to be ideal for health, body composition changes, or for any other benefit that you may have in mind.  They can be downright dangerous when done improperly, so this isn’t something to just jump on like another quick-fix diet plan.
Let’s have a quick look at a few of the main tips to know so that you can detox safely.
Get Sufficient Protein
The very first thing that you must do in order to detox properly is to ensure that you are taking in sufficient protein throughout the day.  This is perhaps the biggest mistake that most people are making – they’re not taking in enough protein and thus end up losing lean muscle mass.
Most detox diet plans do not provide any protein at all, so this is something that you’ll have to adjust with the program that you’re using.
For best results, aim to get one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.  If you’d prefer not to use whole foods to do this as you feel it will take away from the ‘detox’ effect, a protein supplement is your next best choice.
Watch Your Calorie Level
Moving on, the second thing to watch is your calorie level.  It’s vital that you are consuming an adequate number of calories to keep up with your activity level.  Most detox diets will naturally be lower in calories, so as you go on them, make sure that you curtail on the amount of physical activity you plan to perform.
On those days where you are more active, think about doubling up on the fruit servings you’re eating and possibly adding in some healthy fats such as nuts or healthy oils.
This will provide you with the extra energy you need at this point. If you begin to lose lean muscle mass, it will just be a downward spiral from there.
Limit Your Detox Length
Another thing to remember is that you should limit the length of the detox plan you use.  Don’t detox diet for any longer than one week total. Anything more than this is likely to put you at a nutritional deficiency and will definitely have an influence on how you feel on a day to day basis.
Instead, keep the detox short and sweet. When done properly, this is all the time that you’ll really need to spend on it.
Finally, last but not least, consider supplementation.  Taking a multivitamin is the perfect way to provide assurance that you aren’t missing out on any nutrients and that you aren’t going to do long-term harm to the body.
You will be low in calcium, iron, zinc, along with vitamin B in most instances while detoxing, so the multi will provide some relief.
So there you have the primary things that you should note about detox diets.  Be sure to use them wisely and you will feel great and see optimal results.